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Browsing buildings

A successful login takes you to the Buildings -page. You can find all the buildings that you are allowed to view in this system listed on this page. You can see the following information about each building: a traffic light indicating the building status, a picture and the name of the building and the latest comment. By clicking on the picture you can get to the first page of the building. Clicking on the traffic lights takes you directly to the Building status -service whereas clicking on the comment takes you to the service where you can find the latest comment.

You can also get to the first page of a building by choosing the name of the building from Buildings in the top menu.

To go back to Buildings -page, click on Buildings in the top menu.

The first page of the building

The first page of each building shows the latest information on this building. The name and a picture of the building can be found at the top of the page on the right. Below these you can find the three latest expert comments. On the left you can see the building status and the service menu is below it. All different services that have been activated for your use can be found in the service menu. You can choose the service by clicking on its name in the menu. The service information will then replace the picture and the expert comments on the page.

To go back to the first page, click on the picture of the building.

eNet Version 3.3 Copyright © 2011 Schneider Electric